The annual Global MIL Week activities and the feature conference are important opportunities for stakeholders globally to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards the process of “MIL for all”.
Global MIL Week also enables connections and sharing of creative projects, the latest research, new ideas, and information across countries and stakeholders involved in MIL.
Global MIL Week, commemorated annually, is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “MIL for all”.
It is a cap and aggregator for MIL-related events and actions across the world leading up to this Week.
Together with its Feature Events, Global MIL Week calls for local events around the world to promote MIL connections across disciplines and professions.
These include intergovernmental organizations, education institutions, technological intermediaries, development organizations, associations, NGOs, research groups, educators, media professionals, library and information professionals, policy makers, regulators, and practitioners around the globe.
MIL Cities
Global MIL Week 2018 will highlight that smart, sustainable cities must also be media and information literate cities (MIL Cities). MIL Cities put people at their heart by helping everyone, through creative means, throughout their lifetimes, develop the competencies required to make the most of media, information, and technology.
Feature Conference
The Feature Conference of Global MIL Week 2018 is the 8th Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) Conference. It will be held in Lithuania under the same theme as the Global MIL Week 2018 from 24 to 25 October 2018, at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania.
The feature conference will explore how stakeholders interpret ways of educating citizens in MIL in all types of environments. It will focus on the global status of research and practice about the significance of MIL as a way to transform present and future information and learning environments. The aim is to build more bridges between learning outside of the classroom and learning inside the classroom. In addition, the conference will contribute to making learning a process of social change, which fosters human rights online and offline and which constructs a new citizenship identity based on critical civic participation and intercultural dialogue.
Read all about Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2018 !
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