Kosovo gets its first media and information literacy (mil) magazine


A new MIL resource in Albanian language produced by third-year students of journalism at University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, aimed at passing on knowledge and information on media and information literacy (MIL), was published in February 2020.

Downlaod the first issue of “INTRO” magazine!

The magazine, named “INTRO”, is an introduction to MIL field and consists of three parts.

  • The first part tackles MIL composite concept within UNESCO framework and Kosovo’s activities on MIL field in regard of formal and non-formal educational infrastructure.
  • The second part explores information disorder by firstly introducing a brief history of disinformation globally, the right definitions and terms for information disorder and tips on how to identify and combat disinformation online.
  • The third part of the magazine is an effort to depict the different entry points for MIL in our lives. It consists of articles that consider MIL as a facilitator towards building inter-cultural dialogue, promoting gender equality, encouraging critical thinking on children, emphasizing the good use of social networks for education, networking and information and how to protect privacy in the age of big data.

The articles produced serve as brief summaries of newest MIL resources such as UNESCO MIL Policy and Strategy Guidelines, A short guide to the history of disinformation and fake news, Journalism, ‘Fake News’ and Disinformation: A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training, etc.

Even though it initially was a course assignment where students were to establish, functionalize and manage a medium within “Media Management” course, both students and mentors agreed to take the work a step further. The magazine emphasizes the need to minimize the protectionism approach towards media and technology and balance it with empowerment where citizens acquire critical skills to engage with them in countering the challenges we are facing in XXI century.

Gentiana Paçarizi, teaching assistant, also the editor-in-chief of this magazine, says that the magazine’s objectives are twofold:

“The magazine enabled students to be producers of content, consequently contribute to the knowledge society. Producing this magazine with my students was a great opportunity to fill in the information gap on MIL in Albanian. Secondly, it empowers students to see themselves as MIL ambassadors in our society because they’re the key youngster who have all the required skills to understand media, technology and information and tell citizens how they can be used for the greater good.”, explains Ms Paçarizi, who has worked with UNESCO MIL global program.

The magazine is foreseen to be published twice a year and tackle various MIL-related issues. This edition was published with support of Institute for Development Policy (INDEP), which is part of CIMU SEE Governance Committee and an active MIL actor in Kosovo.

For further information, please contact Gentiana Paçarizi [email protected]