The seventh annual global celebration of Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week will take place from 24 to 31 October 2019. What can you do to promote MIL in the Balkans? How can you make MIL happen where you live, study or work? UNESCO wants to display your activities to the world!
The seventh annual global celebration of Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week will take place from 24 to 31 October 2019, under the theme “Media and Information Literate Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered”.
UNESCO invites stakeholders around the world to organize online/offline local events or activities related to MIL in their community or region, taking place around the period of Global MIL Week 2019. What can you do to promote MIL? How can you make MIL happen where you live, study or work?
Please, register your events or activities here.
Registered events/activities will be displayed on the official website of Global MIL Week 2019.
Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week, commemorated annually, is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “MIL for All”.
UNESCO and GAPMIL are calling partners all over the world to promote Global MIL Week. Together with its Feature Events (International MIL and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and Youth Agenda Forum), Global MIL Week calls for local events around the world to promote MIL connections across disciplines and professions.
The edition of this year will continue to focus on the cities and citizens in the digital age. MIL provides citizens with key competencies for life-long learning, work, and in all aspects of life. Citizens equipped with MIL competencies are informed, engaged and empowered. They are able to understand the dangers of disinformation, as well as the spiral of hatred and exclusion.
When intercultural and inter-religious dialogue is promoted through free, independent and pluralistic media and information systems, the awareness of diversities can enrich our notion of the world around us, and improve our understanding of others and ourselves.
Empowering citizens, in particular youth, the elderly and marginalized groups with MIL competencies lets more voices to be heard, and thus enables digital inclusion and enhanced opportunities.