The renowned Poynter Institute has developed a constantly updated resource center featuring articles on fact-checking – stories about trends and best practices in fact-checking worldwide.
The renowned Poynter Institute has developed a constantly updated resource center featuring articles on fact-checking. These are stories about trends and best practices in fact-checking worldwide.
Also, there are updates from the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).
- Learn about the IFCN: organization, mission, funding.
- Check out the fact-checkers’ code of principles
- Sign up for Poynter’s newsletter “The Week In Fact-Checking”
- Take Poynter’s online courses on fact-checking 101, fact-checking on TV and free self-directed course in partnership with the American Press Institute
- Peruse the Duke Reporters’ Lab map of fact-checking initiatives around the world
Read about Poynter Institute