Next year’s Safer Internet Day (SID) celebrations will take place on Tuesday, 6 February 2018. The 2018 SID theme is “Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you”.
Next year’s Safer Internet Day (SID) celebrations will take place on Tuesday, 6 February 2018. The 2018 theme, “Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you” is a call to action for every stakeholder to play their part in creating a better internet for everyone, in particular the youngest users out there. More than that, it is an invitation for everyone to join in and engage with others in a respectful way in order to ensure a better digital experience.
Stay updated with the progress made on the campaign through the Safer Internet Day website, but also regularly visit SID Facebook and Twitter profiles and follow the#SID2018 and #SaferInternetDay hashtags.
Until the campaign picks up pace, during autumn and winter, have a look at what happened during last SID campaign: find out how SID was celebrated in countries across the globe, read the SID 2017 press release and explore the resources from previous campaigns.
* Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by the joint Insafe-INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, with funding provided by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF). Find out more about the EC’s ‘European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children’ on the Digital Agenda website.