European Charter on Media Literacy


The aims of the Charter are: to foster greater clarity and wider consensus in Europe on media literacy and media education; to raise the public profile of media literacy and media education; to encourage the development of a permanent and voluntary network of media educators in Europe.

The aims of the Charter are

  • to foster greater clarity and wider consensus in Europe on media literacy and media education;
  • to raise the public profile of media literacy and media education in each European nation, and in Europe as a whole.
  • to encourage the development of a permanent and voluntary network of media educators in Europe, bound together by their common aims, and enabled by their institutional commitment.

The Charter does not aim to create a membership organization, which would require an expensive bureaucracy and would be dependent on time-limited funding or substantial membership fees. It is not, therefore, a manifesto or a constitution. The idea of the Charter is similar to other charters and declarations, for example on human rights.

More about the Charter 

The Charter website is building a database of people and organisations in Europe who support the idea of media literacy, many of whom are contributing to its development and to the provision of education for media literacy. By registering with this site you become part of this database ; in addition, you are encouraged to sign the Charter for Media Literacy, thus helping to build a consensus around an agreed version of media literacy and to facilitate the development of an international network.

More about the database